Virtual Forum: Challenges & Opportunities for Agriculture in a Post-Pandemic World
April 28, 2020
Virtual Forum
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In this Forum, we talked not only about the challenges facing agriculture due to the COVID-19 pandemic—but also the possible silver linings.
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, supply chain hurdles have made the availability of food a prominent story line across the globe. Empty shelves, food rotting in the fields and declining markets have both consumers and producers deeply concerned about what comes next. As various sectors rush to adapt to the rapidly changing post-pandemic marketplace, are there any silver linings for agriculture?
This virtual Farm Foundation Forum featured group of agriculture market experts sharing their perspectives on unprecedented challenges facing agriculture, but also sharing where they think opportunities might exist.
Speakers included:
- A.G. Kawamura, Owner/Partner, Orange County Produce, LLC
- Dan Basse, President, AgResource
- Luke Chandler, Chief Economist, John Deere
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