
Assessing the Threats, Gaps and Opportunities for Safeguarding American Agriculture

February 25, 2020

National Press Club, Washington, DC

National Press Club, Holeman Lounge, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, D.C.

This forum focused on the fact that emerging, transboundary diseases pose a significant, growing threat to U.S. agriculture, the food system and the millions of Americans that rely on it for their health and their livelihoods. U.S. farmers, ranchers, animal and crop health companies, researchers and government officials have improved biosecurity protocols that safeguard our crops and animals, and responded efficiently to disease outbreaks when they have occurred.

Nevertheless, gaps remain. Innovation and collaboration are needed to safeguard American agriculture and the U.S. food system into the future. Speakers covered a variety of issues related to agricultural biosecurity.

Speakers included:

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